As Good as it Gets!

by afashionablelifeforme

I had a most unexpexctedly enjoyable afternoon out with the mini dubs. As fabulous as my kids obviously are they can really get in the way of a great day out! Strolling around browsing or getting a relaxing cup of coffee take on epic proportions and intense advance preparation. Mine are one and three so need special types of handling namely bribery in the shape of foodstuffs and drawing stuff. And even then i will only get 5 minutes in a shop or a rushed coffee providing they get fed and watered but it is far from relaxing.

I had a hospital appointment and I had to bring them with me which I was dreading. I brought a Dora book, crayons, sweets and biscuits to whip out at the first hint of dissent. Of course my son decided to test my patience by throwing a huge fit refusing to get his shoes on before we had left. I ended up carrying him (shoeless) like a little rolled up carpet roaring angrily out to the car. He continued to roar on the drive to the hospital not because I had tried to put his shoes on but rather now because he hadn’t got his shoes on. He was pointing at his feet and calling out shoe shoe.

I turned on the stereo and whacked it louder than normal which stoppped him crying instantly (and that my friends is one of many great parenting tips to come from me). So if you were on the Northside today and a car passed you blaring Bob Marley with a stony faced driver hey that was me!

We were in luck with parking, the mini dubs were great in the hospital considering we had to wait in the actual Casualty looking at real sick people. We waited only about 5 mins and saw the lovely doctor so all was well.

We went to the shopping centre and it was all pretty relaxing and stress free. We had a civilised cup of coffee marred slightly by Moo telling me loudly halfway through my coffee that she now had a poo and wee. I got up and herded them and the pram past the rest of tables towards the toilet.

She then loudly asked me did I have to to go for a poo poo too.