The first time is always crap….

by afashionablelifeforme

Where to begin? I have rushed into this with my customary over zealousness, not really thought it through fully but I did do the research promise! I downloaded this and even read most of it. I got BlogPress, I thought of lots of ideas for a first entry and now…..nothing. I managed to create the blog (yay me) but have got a bit stuck with the editing side. How exactly do I do this on an ipad?
Nothing this glass of wine cannot sort out! But there was a point to all of this which was yes what to write…
I know the first post is never going to be a great one I have to ease myself gently into it so bear with me…this blog was an item on my long finger ‘To Do List’ and it is amazing for me to start it. I have great enthusiasm for taking up new things but my track record for staying the distance is awful. I took night courses in dressmaking (my car was broken into during one class and then I got mugged outside the venue) the Irish conversation refresher course (seriously put off by my inability to speak/understand anything several classes in) well the list goes on. But this is a opportunity to do so much more and since it can happen while sitting at my kitchen table (command centre don’tcha know) I should stick with it.
Forthcoming entries will be much more interesting with pictures and themes and stuff.